Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Several seemingly innocuous things happened this morning. First, as I was changing Angus's diaper in preparation for our morning run, I looked at the clock and it was almost 6am! Oh my! It is true that I've been an early riser for quite some time, but the fact that 6am seemed late to me was a laughable reminder of the days when I would be OUT until 4am. Second, Angus peed on me - an impressive, high-reaching arc, as I was changing said diaper. He hit my legs, my hands, and the floor (kid's got aim). Did it phase me? Did I immediately change my pants? Did I bother to wash my hands? Ok, yes, I DID wash my hands, but you know you're a parent when getting peed on doesn't remotely phase you. Of course, Angus thought the whole thing was hysterical.

Finally, I switched my radio instantly to NPR this morning. Saving grace of this tale is that I wasn't trying to find Car Talk (sorry, Dad), but the fact that NPR is more enjoyable to me than the other "top 40's"-type stations was marginally horrifying. There is absolutely, 100% nothing wrong with NPR - it's important to be privy to what's going on in the day's news, but even the music on NPR was appealing to me. Now THAT is horrifying.

Anyway, perhaps I'm a bit introspective because my 27th birthday is in less than one month. Truth be told, I hadn't given it a single thought until this morning. I've been concentrating so much on how many weeks old Angus is that I forgot that I, too, am getting older. But I have heard the rumor from many people wiser than me that age is just a number - it's how you feel that's most important. So, Angus, my commitment to you to try to stay as young as possible so I can keep up with your shenanigans!

Angus continues to grow and grow and grow. Dude probably weighs 16 pounds at this point. I had to carry him through Trader Joe's last night just to pick up a few things. We were probably there for 5 minutes total. I was sweating and my arm was trembling by the time I put him back in his car seat. It is a work out! But he's doing very well. He's an incredibly happy, smiley baby, and his daycare providers seem to be pretty in love with him, too.

Pictures, of course, to follow. I should probably mention at this point, too, that Christopher and I are engaged. Wedding to follow in roughly 7-10 years :).
Typical Angus photo. Obligatory bib, crazy hair, and drool bubbles.

Sleeping in my arms last night.

This morning sitting in the bathroom while I got ready. Active little boy.

Guest appearance by Maya, who is now an indoor/outdoor cat. She spends much of her time doing god-knows-what outside, and when she comes in, she generally sleeps for hours on end, eats, then heads out again. BUT she is a happier, more affectionate cat for it, so I'm not complaining!


I'm including this picture because it captures his constant movement. His legs are ALWAYS on the move.

In a onesie courtesy of Grandma and Grandpa Marden.

That's a very cool outfit, young man. Who so stylishly dresses you?

1 comment:

  1. Kate, Journalism profs would say that you 'buried the lead' on this post.
