Friday, November 1, 2013

3 months old! It's high time to get a job...

Angus is three months old today/13 weeks old yesterday, and he's growing, growing, growing. He's starting to gain control over his own movements (though he's still quite spastic much of the time...not sure if that's him being a baby or him being my son), and he's very alert pretty much all of the time. He has discovered how tasty his fists are, and he is also an uncontrollable drooler (yes, insert appropriate jokes about my drooling here, Dad). Interestingly, his doctor said that he drools so much not because he is teething (which is what many people have speculated), but because babies simply don't bother to swallow at this age. Interesting fact for the day.

But Angus seems to be doing well at daycare, and I've gotten back into the routine of work - it doesn't really feel like I was ever gone, to be honest. I guess 3 months really isn't that long in maternity leave world :/. He is supposedly quite well-behaved during the day, which I definitely appreciate, and it always makes my day that much better when I see his goofy smiles when I go pick him up. He's a pretty sweet little dude.

Yesterday was, of course, Halloween. Angus being only 3 months old, we didn't take him trick-or-treating or get him an actual costume, but he helped greet trick-or-treaters at the door, and he was rocking pumpkin-themed pajamas and a massive spider bib, so he was in the Halloween spirit, for sure.

Next up, Thanksgiving and Christmas. I may have been fairly restrained in my "Angus's first Halloween" celebration, but the gloves come off for the next two holidays.

I hope he likes brussel sprouts...

That bib was completely soaked through within about 15 minutes of my dressing him.

Someday, this picture will come back to haunt him. No pun intended.

Angus waiting in line with me at Babies R Us. It's amazing how big he looks now compared to his car seat. Yikes. That blanket also started our shopping trip neatly tucked around his legs. Dude does not know how to keep them legs still.

Exhibit A. Wild Leg Syndrome.

1 comment:

  1. Kate,
    So Mom and I must have forgotten to teach you to swallow, right? One would think that Georgetown faculty would have fixed it, but I guess not.
