Wednesday, July 3, 2013

If this were a marathon, I'd be winding up for a final sprint

Sparky is officially considered "full term" today, at 37 weeks. Can you celebrate pre-birthdays? Hmm. I may have to get some cake later to celebrate - since he's now full term, he no doubt has the ability to fully appreciate the white cake with white frosting his mother is oh so fond of. But I had my weekly check-up today - it feels like I'm at the doctor every other day right now - and everything looks great for where we're at - his weight, my weight, blood pressure, his length, etc.. As I told Christopher earlier...not to brag, but I seem to be very good at this pregnancy thing. I mean, I DID get an A+ in Calculus III back in college, so I guess it should be no surprise that I would excel in other areas, too ;). Anyway, my tactless bragging aside, there are no indications at this point that Sparky will be early, so EVERYONE KEEP YOUR FINGERS CROSSED. I mean it! The house is a war zone right now with dry wall bits everywhere and the contractor sprinting to get everything done in the next 2 weeks, so any suggestion that meeting this baby early will be met with a very cold shoulder indeed.

Having said that, I am very excited to meet the little man, even though I am also a teeny bit concerned about the fact that I have NO clue what to do with a newborn and have NO idea what type of mother I'll be. Normal emotions, I am assured, and thankfully Christopher has been a remarkably calming influence. Very strange turn of events, indeed, since I'm usually the one saying "whatever" to anything life throws at me.

No pictures of the house, for once, but those will come next week. I can't deal with documenting the mess at this point, though I did finally take another picture of my belly this morning. This may well be the last "bump" photo to show Sparky when he's older...

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