Well, I am now 40 weeks and 3 days, and the little guy has yet to make an appearance. While we're excited to meet him, the extra few days haven't been completely unappreciated, given that we were not actually allowed to "move back" into the house until July 24th - my due date. I say "move back" because there is SO much to be done still, but at least the big stuff (floors, painting) is done and we've got the big furniture back in place. Anyway, according to my doctor (well, one of the 6 I switch between) says that there's a good chance I'll have to be induced. So stay tuned. If this happens (i.e. I don't go into labor within hours of posting this blog entry), I'm currently scheduled to enter the hospital at 5am on Thursday, August 1st. In other words, my dad's birthday. He has some reservations about the joys of sharing birthdays, but I know he's secretly honored :). And, by the way, Dad - if Sparky is born on your birthday, consider that your present!
Because we had to move out of the house for a few days while they did the floors (I won't go into the drama of the repeated delays on that, lest it cause future flashbacks for Christopher), we decided to go up to Annapolis for a few days. I hadn't been there in years...the last (and only) time I was there, I think it may have been part of the grand Marden-family-East-Coast-College-Tour. In which case, there's little I remember. Christopher had never been there, and it's only an hour drive. So we dropped the cat off at the vet, booked a room at the Annapolis Westin, and hit the road only 3 hours late (Sparky, for your future edification, when your dad gives you an ETD, ALWAYS add at least 1-3 hours on...it's easier for everyone involved).
I have to say, while Annapolis can't compare to a lot of the weekend trips by brother and family make - Nuremberg, for example - we were pleasantly surprised. It was hot as hell, which slightly tempered our level of activity, but I enjoyed taking full advantage of 1-2 naps/day. Hey, once this kid is born, will I be taking naps EVER? Hardly likely.
But our hotel was a very short drive to the main historic part of town, so we spent a good amount of time wandering the stores, hitting any of the 18 ice cream joints, and ogling the massive boats docked there. I must also say, we didn't have a single mediocre meal while in Annapolis. The highlight for me was when, upon walking into a diner on the main street, the man behind the counter shouted "when're the twins due?!?". Instead of taking the hint, of course, that my stomach is MASSIVE, I tucked into mozzarella sticks and a massive, greasy crab omelet. Well, when in Rome and all that.
Pictures attached below - some of Maya, of course, as she'll soon be the forgotten child, some of the house, and some of Annapolis.
Sparky, take note: today is Saturday, July 27. 3 days past your official due date. When will you decide to grace us with your presence? Time will tell, but one week from today, you'll be here. Either already at home with us or getting ready to come home from the hospital. It's been a long journey, and I can't believe I'll be a meeting you in less than a week!
Annapolis "downtown" - the dome in the distance is part of the Naval Academy. |
Some of the massive boats - there's a LOT of money in Annapolis, for sure. |
One of the touristy boats docked by the Academy. |
The circle around the State House. |
I may not look too miserable, but it was roughly 140 degrees outside, so rest assured, I was a cranky pregnant lady. |
Christopher posing down by the water. |
Me posing. Or resting against the pole. Oddly enough, I can still run 4 miles, but walking or just standing in place has me gasping for breath like a 400-lb fat man. |
The girls decided to give the stroller a test ride. Maya was happy to oblige. |
For any of you few readers who will never experience pregnancy first-hand, this is what I see when I look down. |
The floors in the process of being stripped. Or whatever the term is for what the flooring guys do. |
These pictures are quite out of order, but I'm still running/walking every day, and I took a nice jog on the W&OD Trail the other day that culminated at these gardens. |
Christopher and Molly in the upstairs bathroom. It's since been tiled. |
The living/dining room in the final throes of clean-up pre-floors. |
Glad that you got one final (?) post in before the big event since you had sloughed off a bit the past few weeks. Can't imagine what else you had to do!