I'm sorry, Angus. If you are reading this in 10 years, you probably are pretty pissed at your old mom for your hairstyle in some of these pictures. In my defense, you have very, very nice hair and would have been an adorable little girl with pigtails! I don't think I'm helping myself here...
In any event, this past weekend, Angus ran his first race. Well - "ran". As part of Team Kam, my friend's charity group, we went to help out at the Baltimore Running Festival's Kids Fun Run. Angus was none too thrilled about being woken up before the buttcrack of dawn to leave for Baltimore, but it was a beautiful day, and he seemed to have fun in the end. I wouldn't say he set any records, and we were definitely the last to cross the finish line, but he did most of the 1/10 mile course himself. And maybe the announcer asked me if he was a boy or a girl as we were nearing the finish, but at least people were cheering for him :). Pictures tell the rest of the story.
And yes, to confirm, Angus is now routinely sleeping 10-11 hours straight each night. I don't even take him running with me anymore most mornings anymore - I'm very happy about the former but have mixed emotions about the latter :/.
His Team Kam shirt was a teeny bit on the big side. |
Holding his own near the finish line. |
Post-race team picture. Medals even! |
Yeah, I don't know what this face means. Just weird. |
Angus digging in for a post-race feeding. Muffins, bananas, all the good runner stuff. |
What do you mean "reading this in 10 years?" Try 2 years.