Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A *Brief Hiatus and Angus's First Business Trip

This is the longest I've gone without blogging since Angus was born (you knew it was bound to happen that I would lapse). I blame it on a combination of factors - the fact that my computer at home is slow as sh*t and they have blocked blogger at the office, the fact that it's been a miserable, snowy winter, which has rendered me more or less incapable of any ambition to get things done, and, finally, the old stand-by, tiredness.

Much has changed in the world of Angus. He is sitting up on his own now (with the occasional face-plant to the front), he's turned into a complete jabberbox, he's eating pureed foods of any and ALL varieties (though he has a definite preference for bananas), and he's just very, very engaged in everything going on around him. He reaches for everything in his line of sight, he's laughing a lot, chewing on everything, including my hands, and you can see his little brain computing when he's seeing something new. All very exciting for me, a first time parent, and probably all very routine to everyone else reading this blog. But he's growing, growing, growing, and I can't wait to see what he does next!
The pictures for this entry are from our recent trip to Monterey, CA. I was going for work, and my two colleagues I traveled with encouraged me to bring him. Some called me crazy, a few called me super mom (or maybe that was my fantasy?), but all in all, it was as painless as can be when traveling with an infant. A bit fussy on the plane ride out to CA, he was a true star on the way back. Which was good, because my coworkers stayed on in CA, leaving me to deal with the two-day trip home by myself! I will spare everyone my tirade about American Airlines.

But Angus slept and flirted his way through San Francisco, Charlotte, and Baltimore, and we had some good Mommy & Angus bonding time :).

After a pretty brutal winter - though I do realize that we in DC had it easier than, for example, my brother and family in Boston - spring is finally starting to show signs of showing up. So hopefully, as my mood improves and as we get outside more, I'll be a bit better about updating the blog!
View of the bay from the hotel balcony- not bad at all.

On our free day, we walked around by the bay and stopped at a French bakery for treats - well, I got carrot cake, not so French :).

Again by the bay. Tons of boats. Must be nice!

Angus at the end of day #1 of our trip back. Stuck in Charlotte for the night, he was remarkably chipper. More chipper than me, for sure.

BUT he's still a baby and occasionally employs the dramatics.

Wearing the mock turtleneck onesie given by G&G Marden. Let this be the first AND last mock turtleneck he wears.

Really not sure what he was doing here.

Sleeping like an angel the day after we got back from CA. A little jetlag, perhaps?
At an Italian restaurant in Monterey with my two coworkers.

Goofy face at one of our job fairs. He was a better recruiter than me!

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