Sunday, April 21, 2013

San Diego and Back (Again)

Shopping/dining "village" behind my hotel in San Diego.

Village complete with man-made pond, ducks, and artificially-imposed "lost in nature" moments.

The "hipster" bookstore by my hotel. Dedicated to you, Matthew.
Another view from the walkway behind the hotel.
This pretty much sums me up. That's excitement for you! And don't worry, that coffee is decaf. WOOO!!!

Walkway behind the hotels. The hotel in the distance is where the conference was held; my hotel was immediately to my left as I was taking this picture.  
Backyard taking shape slowly but surely. Projects TBD, but first up will be painting that wall.

Just trying to capture how big Maya's tail is now. It's not just hair, either - that thing has a life of its own.

Yes, I fell in San Diego. I tripped over, well, nothing, and ate concrete. Though my walk back to the hotel was a decent distance and I passed quite a few people - an obviously pregnant woman bleeding fairly profusely - the only person to ask if I was alright was a non-American cab driver. White guys did NOT represent, that's for sure.

Maya exploring the backyard, again.
It is 10:30 at night and I'm pathetically exhausted, but I DID want to get these pictures up. So I'll add my delightful narration tomorrow.

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