My track record with blogs is not exactly what would be called impressive, but if there is one time in your life to start recording the day-to-day life events, it's when you are expecting your first child. So, if you, little man, are reading this in 10, 15, 20 years, know that I am
trying to keep a record, at least! Fortunately, your Uncle Matthew is pretty good about giving me crap when I don't blog, so hopefully he'll keep me on track.
Anyway, I once said to my brother, "My life isn't interesting - what do I have to blog about? I don't have kids, I don't have pets, I don't travel that much". Well, famous last words. I now have two out of three (and hopefully the third will slowly increase in volume), thanks to a pain-in-the-ass names Maya, and thanks to the undeniable results of 5 pregnancy tests taken starting the day after my birthday, December 19th.
So, I will start this blog by attaching pictures of the "main players". i.e. my unborn son (yet to be named), myself, of course, Christopher (my baby daddy), Mom, Dad, Matthew, Petra, Nathan, Olivia, Molly, and Abbey. And Maya. Just to get all of the glamour shots out of the way. I'll go ahead and be creepy by adding a photo from the baby's first sonogram, only because there are roughly 3 people who will read this blog, all of whom are related to me, and not because I hope to emulate certain friends of Matthew's.
Right now, as of Tuesday, March 5, 2013, I am just shy of 20 weeks pregnant. It has been a very easy pregnancy, relatively speaking. I've had no morning sickness, am still able to run (albeit slower and shorter distances), and I'm not breaking out in massive teenage-style acne. I've been more tired than usual (cue requisite jokes about me passing out on the couch at 8:30pm), and I'm had very vivid, often not good, dreams every night, but that's been the extent of my negative experience so far. Fingers crossed!
We just found out we are having a boy last Thursday, and we're very, very excited. This little boy is going to have two big sisters who can't wait to spoil him, and I'm pretty sure Grandma and Grandpa will see that he isn't deprived of any toy/book/treat. I'm also excited for him to meet his cousins, Nathan and Olivia. Matthew and I grew up fairly close to our cousins, and I'm hoping these three do the same!
Maya at about 3 months. I promise, I did not mean to have her picture first. |
Matthew and I before the great "beer hike". Matthew partook, I was along for the ride. Well, the walk. |
Matthew and Nathan at a wildlife park in Germany. If you look | closely, you can see a wolf in the background. |
Christopher, Molly, and Abbey opening gifts, Christmas of 2012. |
Germany, summer of 2012. En route to shopping and eating. |
Grandma and Grandpa/Mom and Dad, beautiful garden in Germany. |
Same, clearly Dad's meticulous photography skills on display. |
Olivia chilling in her rocker at the house in Germany. |
Finally, this blog is named as a bit of an ode to Nathan and his favorite saying "Mama Mia!". The rest of the name "wee bairn" is, of course, a tribute to the baby's half-Scottish roots.
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