It's almost May, which is awesome because 1) Mother Nature has finally gotten her act together (despite the rain this week...nobody's perfect), 2) my nutrition class final is next week, so I can focus on planning my path forward (and not be out of the office so much), and 3) because I'm going to Colorado at the end of the month for a conference/stay at the cabin.
Then again, it's almost May, which SUCKS because 1) I've done nothing to prepare for this baby, 2) I can't sleep for shite anymore and expect it will only get worse, and 3) did I mention I'm still pretending that I'm NOT pregnant?
But moving along, she's decided it's time for me to stop this denial BS by kicking constantly during the day. CONSTANTLY. Fortunately, she's pretty quiet at night, but I can already see the sibling conspiracies starting, as Angus has taken to farting around in bed until 10 or 11pm. We moved him to a "big boy" bed this week, and I think all this big boy talk has gone to his head. *Sigh*
But a few pictures to continue the posting streak...before Angus' little sister arrives and the picture-taking....stops. A la Dave and Barb Marden circa December, 1980.
I took Angus to the Dinosaurs Alive! exhibit in DC last weekend. He was a pretty happy camper. |
First of two dinosaur tattoos. I have visions of the future, and I'm sure my fondness for tattoos will bite me in the a** eventually with at least one of the kids. "Mom, YOU have 10 tattoos, why can't I get ONE??!!" |
Digging for gold. Or fake dinosaur bones. |
Angus loves him some Stegosaurus. |
His little legs don't quite reach the peddles, but he's gotten pretty into riding it around parks lately. |
Mommy may have worn him out last weekend. Poor thing passed out for 2 hours. |