I've been a bit lax of late in keeping this updated, so here's a bit of a photo dump and an "update" on our adventures. "Update" because I talk to everyone who reads this blog on a regular basis, but for us to look back on later, I'll rehash it all anyway! :) Before having Angus, I would have been a bit doubtful of the validity of the claim that I've been too busy and too tired to update the blog lately. After all, Angus is an infant - he eats, sleeps, and poops himself...how can that possibly keep me busy? As anyone with baby experience, as anyone who has stayed home alone with a newborn ever knows (i.e. everyone who reads this blog), it is both exhausting and all-consuming. It's hard to find more than 5 minutes during the course of the day to have use of both hands to type. When I have some time, I'm usually trying to make coffee, eat something, take a shower, clean, do laundry, all of the wonderful joys of adult life. Or, as a friend of mine calls it, the adult life = the "we've got a big Saturday planned...Bed, Bath & Beyond and Target if we have time, but I don't know if we'll have time!!" life. "Old School", anyone?
It probably goes without saying that I'm writing this after he's gone to bed :).
Angus was 6 weeks as of two days ago, and he is growing like a weed. He's not exactly what I would call heavy, and he's certainly not fat (eh-hmm...DAD), but he's gaining some heft and becoming more and more like a little dude. He's also (knock on wood) gotten pretty used to a sleep routine, going to sleep between 8 and 9pm and only waking up once or twice during the night to eat. He has his rougher nights, such as last night, but overall, we've been very very lucky with his sleep patterns. He's also started to smile (as in smiles NOT associated with gas). It's true that your baby's smiles absolutely melt your heart. I don't think there's anything in the world that makes me as purely happy as him smiling at me. Of course, that means that I instantly forget about him blowing out his diaper while in my lap, a convenient out for him, but those smiles are worth it!
Our outdoor adventures continue as fall weather arrives. My favorite season, and this kid is turning out to be the best excuse for going to parks (Potomac Overlook Park, hello?? I'd never even thought about it before!) and just wandering the great outdoors. We also went on his first play date today with my boss and several coworkers. Well, as the youngest attendee, Angus didn't do too much playing, but it was good for him to be around other kids and, of course, good for mom to have some regular, adult conversation.
Anyway, it's now closing in on 9pm and I'm pooped! Yes, I lead a rock star life!
After dropping Christopher off at the airport on Friday (he's in Denver), we went for a jog along the Potomac. Daingerfield Island, toward Alexandria. |
Sideburns rock. |
He's getting better after chilling in this rocker without spazzing out. Note the increasingly fair hair. |
Goofball in one of the many cheesy outfits mommy is dressing him in while he's too young to know better. |
Looking back toward National Airport right around when Christopher's plane took off - have a good trip, daddy! |
His usual sleeping pose. |