That's right. It's the 69th anniversary of D-Day today. Why that fact happened to pop into my head this morning when I sometimes forget where I left my shoes is beyond me, but I may as well prepare this kid for the legacy of historical-dorkiness that is his mom's side of the family. Good luck to you, Sparky.
No house pictures for this post. Though they are making a great amount of progress, with the main frames already in place, it's not always as easy to see that progress. So my loyal readers get a run-down of what's what in my life this week.
My coworkers threw me a surprise baby shower this week. My boss, who is, by the way, Sparky, probably the single MOST enthusiastic person in the world about your impending birth, tricked me into thinking we were having a meeting first thing in the morning. This should have sent up red flags to me, as she's notoriously not an early-morning office person, but this mom-to-be isn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed right now (no comments from the peanut gallery, please). Anyway, I forgot that I did have my phone with me during the party, otherwise I would have taken pictures of the actual festivities. Instead, I include pictures of the massive balloon and the sash I was made to wear. I was also given a nice Babies R Us gift certificate, which I'm sure will be spent on....something. I'm still getting the hang of what exactly bringing a baby home entails. Anyway, it was a very nice surprise, and I tucked right into the cake, fresh fruit, and scones people had made (just to be polite). Nicest of all were the cards people gave me - cheesy as it sounds, it's really nice sometimes to just hear the simple reasons people enjoy working with you or think you'll be a good mom.
I'm just past 33 weeks this week, so he is coming whether we're ready or not! Good god. The pregnancy bitch of the week is that my stomach is SO GODDAMN ITCHY. It is driving me absolutely insane, and it's SO itchy that other parts of me start to itch, as well, probably out of sympathy for my belly. This is, apparently, fairly normal, but no matter how much lotion I cake myself in, I twitch and itch as much as a 3rd-degree poison ivy victim all of the time. Otherwise, Sparky is getting pretty bold with his foot and fist movements. He's still kicking and punching at random, but he seems to enjoy playing mirror with me more than anything. As in, I find where his foot or fist is resting, and he moves it along with my hand. It's pretty cool, actually.
I've also started craving Snickers pretty much constantly. Pretty mundane detail, I know, but given my mother's love of Snickers for as long as I can remember, I thought she would appreciate it.
So that's the weekly summary. Exciting, exciting stuff.
I put this immediately inside my door to scare away any extra aggressive candidates. |
This sash doesn't come with copious tequila shots like the "bride-to-be" sashes do, but it'll still be a nice keepsake. |
Christopher "rescuing" Maya from the roof for probably the 4th time that night. She's discovered how to get from the attic construction to the roof of the back of the house. It's now her favorite place to hang out. |
I never claimed she was smart. |